CPILS 体験談1 4週間 (男性)
I felt it is better to improve speaking
お名前 Shinpei Kawazoe様 (男性) 滞在都市 セブ 学校 CPILS 留学期間 4週間
- How about CIPILS's LIFE?
I went to Cebu island in Philippine from 29th-Sep to 28th-Oct,
and stayed to study English at CPILS (Center for Premier International Language Studies).
Firstly, I would like to introduce what CPILS is.
It is the pioneering and the leading ESL/EFL school in the Philippines and in Asia.
The school has a well-planned curriculum and academic system which ensure quality education for students.
The numbers of students aresometimes as many as 500 people,
and the percentage of nationality is that Korea is 60%, Japan is 20%,
China is 15% and other is 5%. And also, the numbers of teachers aresometimes as many as 250 people.
Secondly, I would like to introduce the activity of the first day in CPILS.I met batchmates who were enrolled at CPILS at the same time,
and then we had a placement test. An orientation was held in this afternoon.
Next morning, we got our placement test result and were separatedeach classes.
In my business course schedule,
I had 6 classes, which were 2classes (1:1), 3 classes (1:4) and 1 class (Listening).
In addition,1 lesson takes80mins, and 1stclass startsat 8:00am.
Thirdly, I introduce my daily lesson content.
One of the 1:1 classesis business vocabulary.
Its purpose is to master business vocabulary.
Another 1:1 classis mainly a speaking in business.
I did roll-playwith the teacher on some situations.
(Ex; compromise, delegation,etc)Two of the 1:4 classesare mainly a discussion with students regarding business topics.
One of the 1:4 classes is presentationphrases.
Its purpose is to master many phrases in presentation.
And also, I prepared 2 power points after lessons and then,
I made a presentation twice in the lesson. Last classis listening,
in this class we had to write down words of a conversation through the listening an audio script.After the lessons,
I had much homework and did it by midnight usually.
Finally, Ihad to speak Englishso much and to explainobviouslyusing Englishin all lessons,
so I had much stress first of 2 weeks.
But I could feel pleasingly to attend the lessonsas I got used to CPILS life.
In my opinion, I felt it is better to improve speaking of Englishat least 8 weeks than 4weeks if it is possible.
About Pilipinoteachers, I thought that theywere trained greatly by trainers,
had much Englishskillsand knowledge, and they were very funny and kindly.
Additionally, Icould makea lot of friends in CPILS, and I was helped many times by them.I am deeply grateful CPILS,my friends and our company which gave me the chance of English abroad.
Shinpei Kawazoe